Wednesday May 1st, 2024
(R-S, NC) B ready to visit at the hospital!
(R-NE, PA) A, M, and E at the local school!
(R-MW, IA) R making his first visit!
(R-MW, WI) K is a very happy dog while she is visiting!
(R-S, OK) R and K listening to some nice stories!
(R-MW, MI) H on one of her many visits!
(R-S, AR) M loves attention!
(R-S, NC) A is a big hit wherever he goes!
(R-MW, MI) M loves visiting with children!

Therapy Dogs Visiting
Wednesday March 6th, 2024
(R-NE, PA) R visiting a local school!
(R-MW, OH) D and M on a recent visit!
(R-MW, OH) M visiting a library!
(R-MW, SD) E sharing a smile!
(R-MW, MI) M loves visiting with people!
(R-MW, IL) A visiting a memory care facility!
(R-MW, MN) E enjoying all the attention!
(R-MW, IA) R making his 500th visit!
(R-S, GA) M on a recent visit!
(R-NE, NY) Z making her 150th visit!
(R-NE, NJ) B visiting a local high school!
(R-MW, OH) R visiting a high school!
(R-MW, IL) A working at the library!
(R-NE, NY) D loves to visit!
(R-NE, PA) O visiting the local library!
(R-S, OK) K and R love having the kids read to them!
(R-S, GA) S loves the attention she receives while visiting!
(R-MW, WI) O is a big hit wherever he goes!

Therapy Dogs Visiting
Monday August 14th, 2023
(R-S, NC) M eager to start her day at the hospital!
(R-S, SC) R visiting the local senior living facility!
(R-S, NC) MJ on a recent visit!
(R-S, FL) LD at this summer's reading challenge at the library!
(R-S, FL) B visiting the local assisted living!
(R-S, GA) J and B bringing plenty of joy and smiles to those at the assisted living!
(R-NE, NY) L visiting the kids for the "2nd grade Reading Buddies" program!
(R-NE, NY) D loves listening to the students reading to him!
(R-NE, NY) D on a visit!

Therapy Dogs At Home
Friday July 14th, 2023
(R-NE, CT) V pointing at a fish!
(R-NE, NY) H enjoying the warm weather!
(R-MW, MN) S celebrating his 9th birthday!
Therapy Dogs Visiting
(R-NW, KS) D at her Tail Waggin Tutor visit!
(R-MW, MO) B and B at the Reading to Rover program in the elementary school!
(R-NE, NY) B loves having the kids read to her every month!
(R-MW, MI) P loves making her visits!
(R-MW, IL) C visiting his local Church for their Care Night program!
(R-S, VA) A on her way to visit her local retirement home!
(R-MW, OH) S loves to visit the residence at the assisted living!
(R-W, CA) G on his very first therapy dog visit!
(R-S, NC) MJ heading home from making her visit!

" To My Rescue Dog" Author Unknown
There's no need to flinch when I lift my hand
No need to cower each time I stand
No need to run when I come near
No need to tremble - I see your fear.
You can sleep with both eyes shut,
Don't need to jump when you wake up.
Your food is yours to eat in peace
No need to fight to keep your feast
You don't need to lie upon a hard floor
The beds and sofas are yours to explore
Don't need to sit out in the rain
The house is your shelter, your new domain.
I cannot erase the memories and fears
I can't compensate for the wasted years
All I have is what you see
But I give you it all and I give you me.
I give you these arms to comfort and hold
I give you this voice for the joys you'll be told
I give you my heart and abundance of love
I give you my soul and I hope it's enough.
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(R-S, TN)
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(R-W, AZ)
(R-MW, MI)
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(R-NE, NY)
(R-MW, SD)
(R-S, NC)
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(R-NE, NY)
(R-MW, IN)
(R-NE, NH)
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(R-NE, NY)
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(R-W, CA)
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(R-MW, SD)
(R-S, AL)
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(R-MW, NE)
(R-S, AL)
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(R-MW, MI)
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(R-MW, MI)
(R-W, AZ)
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(R-S, MD)
(R-MW, OH)
(R-S, GA)
(R-S, MD)
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(R-S, GA)

" Why I Love German Shepherd Dogs (GSDs) And How It All Began………"By A
Once upon a time, meaning many years ago, I met a most wonderful “Being”, a GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG! We had moved to the country, willingly taking into consideration the long commute to the city to our jobs. The road we lived on at that time was a dirt road. Mail was being delivered half a mile away to our mail box, at a wonderful neighbor’s house. It was almost like I imagine America was in earlier times. At that time, we had only cats who had adopted us. Word must have gotten around that there was always food to be given if one showed up at our house. I always kept cat and dog food in my cupboard for my visitors. -That is also another story, about Gus the Basset Hound, Muncie, Impy and Stranger the cats.- Now back to the GSD STORY. I was on the back porch working when a thunderstorm was announcing itself. It just had started to rain. Ready to go back into the house, all of a sudden out of nowhere when I saw this huge GSD standing there, looking at me. I told him: “You look like you are hungry and also need a good drying. I will not hurt you and I hope you will not hurt me!” He waited until I came out with a dish of food and ate it in front of me. After that, I dried him and invited him into the house. There was an immediate bond between us. He was my best friend from now on. My husband, who also had loved dogs and animals like I do (one big consideration why I had married him) accepted our visitor. We made him a nice bed in our garage for the first night. Since I had to assume he belonged to someone, I called the local police the next morning to find out if someone was missing a dog, but also let them know I would like to keep him if no one claimed him. I also took him to the local vet and had him checked out. No one claimed him. He was able to stay! From the local road department I found out that he had been around for at least four weeks. They had left some of their sandwiches for him, and other people tried to take him in, but he would not go near anyone! I believe he and I were soulmates and he was seeking me out. He was the most wonderful “Being”, kind, and a friend to all animals. The cats loved him, we were family! There is a lot more to this story, but I end it for now. At a future time, I will write down the rest of the story about “Blitz”, named so because he came during this thunderstorm……….. The rest of the story: BLITZ OUR ANGEL
Blitz became the love of our lives. He did not need a leash (there were no close neighbors at the time). He came when he was called, he adjusted to our schedules, and was sitting in the driveway waiting for us when we were out. When I worked outside he was always with me. The cats adored him. 

In his past life he must have been abused. He walked backward through doors, did not walk stairs. He was afraid to sit up in the car. 
One day while petting him, I discovered some lumps around his neck. I took him immediately to the vet. He recommended some poultices. It did not help. I took him to a different vet. There he had a complete check-up. It turned out that he had adult heart worms and Leukemia. Heart worm in the early seventies was not generally known. We certainly did not know. Not to get into details, but treating him for adult HW was not a possibility since we were told that his life expectancy was only 3 months. We were devastated! I did everything, cooked for him chicken, chicken broth, which he liked since he did not want to eat much. Having been a fan of “Adele Davis” I gave him vitamins, every thing I thought of which might possibly help. The vet had told us, he has no pain. If the time comes when you must let him go, you will know. Blitz had 6 months, then the day came when he was hanging his head down and we knew the time had come. We had hoped for a miracle, it did not happen! I understand now the miracle was that he came to us, our ANGEL. We had the privilege to take care of him and experience a love, which was so great, and stayed with me until now and will be forever!
"The 'Magic' of Dogs"By B
My sister Sue lives in California and is the primary caregiver of our 92 year old mother. Sue has always had multiple animals, but for the last couple of years has not had a dog. It took her a while to get over the loss of her last dog Winston, which was a German Shepherd. A few weeks ago, she was going through ads from a Shepherd rescue when she saw a picture of a female German Shepherd, which was at San Diego animal control. She kept thinking about her for a few days, then decided it wouldn’t hurt to just go look at her. She drove there not really wanting to adopt another dog, but as you have probably guessed, she walked into the kennel and the dog came to greet her and licked her hand through the wire. Next thing you know Sue is walking out with her new dog. “Mia" is a 10 month old German Shepherd which was picked up by animal control. The owners did not want her back! As I mentioned, Sue is our mother’s caregiver. Our mother cannot walk or take care of herself, and is also pretty much non-verbal. She mutters “there there" over and over again in response to any conversation. Sue was very concerned about allowing Mia around her at first, as she knew nothing about her history, since she is large and very much still a puppy. After Sue was more comfortable with Mia, and Mia learned the house rules (She didn’t know anything and wasn’t even housebroken.), Sue introduced her to our mother. As playful and full of energy as Mia is, she was very calm and careful with mom. She would just lay next to her, and if she was in another room and she heard mom’s walker or wheelchair, she would run to be with her. Now for the magic of dogs. It was amazing how calm this very active, young dog was around mom. The magic is Mia will lay or sit next to mom for hours at a time and mom actually talks to the dog. Mom forgets her name sometimes and will just call her "animal", but she is having conversations with Mia, not just “there there". Sometimes the words don’t make any sense, but Mia doesn’t care! My sister was so excited when she called me. She told me, “You are not going to believe what is happening with mom". Of course this was wonderful news about my mother and Mia. This is not new to me however. I have been visiting with my therapy dogs since 2003 and especially when visiting the nursing homes, I have witnessed this “magic" many times. This is why I keep visiting with my dogs. Dogs are truly magic. They bring smiles to the sad, comfort to the hurting, and even if only for a few minutes, it brings out fond memories to our seniors citizens. 
The following four stories were published by, but have been translated from German to English below. We hope you will enjoy reading them. Cheeky dog rescued from roof!

The adventurous Shepherd Dog had to be rescued from his own cockiness in Idar-Oberstein. Apparently the dog jumped through a mosquito screen onto the balcony and from there climbed onto the roof of the house. The only thing he didn't seem to have taken into account was that he had to somehow get down from there. Local residents called both the police and the fire department. They quickly moved in to free the German Shepherd from his predicament. 
The Shepherd Dog probably jumped through a mosquito screen and got onto the roof. 
The German Shepherd was no longer able to get down from the six meter high roof on its own. A dog handler was also part of the rescue team and was finally able to lure the animal through the skylight and pull it back into the house. And the Idar-Oberstein fire department also gave the all-clear on the condition of the dog: the German Shepherd is doing well after his short trip to the roof - he was just a little exhausted, according to the head of the fire department Jörg Riemer. 
A handler pulled the animal back into the house through a skylight. 
Dog "Flea": How cute is this "How I Met My Master" story?
Flea got lost on the A8, caused a complete closure there, was rescued and now has a new home! But let's go back to the beginning: The dog Flea hasn't had an easy life so far. The ten-month-old Kokoni bitch had to be rescued in Greece by a German animal protection organization. Arriving here, Flea was supposed to be placed in two families, but after a few "trial days" neither wanted to keep Flea. Flea's hopes for a "real" home were dashed for now... FLEA'S DANGEROUS ADVENTURE! On Monday, Flea ran away from the an animal protection organization. She ran away and spent the night outdoors. Tuesday she got lost on the freeway. The frightened fur nose ran around between fast cars and trucks. The freeway was quickly closed. Flea could be caught by passers-by. FLEA MEETS HER NEW DAD AT THE POLICE STATION! The police took Flea to the station, where she stayed. Then it happened: the chief of the highway police saw Flea. He decided without further ado to take her home to take care of her there. Well, and now guess who made friends there real quick? Exactly, the policeman is now Flea's new dad. The bitch finally has a "real" home - happy ending. 
Light signal behind the wheel operated by a dog
On Saturday evening, a resident in Herschberg (Southwest Palatinate district) was amazed when he saw a dog in a car that turned on all the vehicle's lights. As the police in Pirmasens announced, the resident discovered the dog - a Pug - in a parked car. The animal jumped around there and turned on all the vehicle's lights. The police then identified the owner of the dog. Pirmasens police advised against driving licenses She stated that the dog had already learned to operate the lights on its own. The woman was strongly advised not to teach the animal to drive!! 
Excellent! - Dog finds mines in Ukraine
At a major film festival, the sniffer dog "Patron" received the special prize. He is said to have already found 200 explosive devices. "Patron" is on duty in Ukraine to find duds and mines. They often lie around on fields where there was previously fighting. According to Ukrainian information, "Patron" has already discovered more than 200 explosive devices - and thus prevented them from injuring or killing people. "PATRON" ALSO AWARDED IN UKRAINE The sleuth wasn't at the film festival in Cannes, France. A representative from Ukraine accepted his award, saying, "Patron cannot be here because he is so much needed at home." Previously, "Patron" received a medal from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most famous in the world. In addition to actors and films, there are also awards for dogs that have acted in films every year. 
"The Kiss"By D Regent qualified for the 2022 Rally National Championship. I was so excited and proud of him, and of course I wanted to go. We practiced and practiced beforehand, and I felt good about how we would do.